Car Audio Systems A Brief Overview
Thursday, June 19, 2014
When we hear the phrase car audio, we automatically assume that a person is taking about the sound system in their car or vehicle. The most common piece of audio equipment used in cars in the radio/CD player which in generic terms is known as the head unit. This is the item that is most commonly upgraded and as technology changes and moves forward this is the part of the cars sound system that also changes.
Up to a number of years ago most car audio systems were fitted with a cassette player but this then became a CD player. With technology ever expanding CD players now also have the capability of playing MP3, WMA, AAC, and there are even car stereos that are now going to be equipped with USB slots. The majority of cars have a CD player and there are others that also include the option for a CD changer which can hold multiple disks.
These CD changers can be housed in the car stereos head unit itself or stored in a separate unit which is normally stored in the trunk. Some car stereos now even support DVD players and LCD screens which have been designed to entertain children on long journeys. Speakers are also an integral part of the audio system in cars and these are generally located in the doors at the front of the car and over the trunk in the back of the car.
There are a wide range of speakers available on the markets today and just like the head units, technological advances also impact on these. Another component of the audio system can also include amplifiers and these are vital if you wish to have a number of speakers in your car. As you can see the audio system in your car does not just consist of the small unit that takes your CDs or plays the radio, and these systems do in fact have a lot more components to them.

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